Cat Licking The Wall

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Mad Inventor™
Supporting Member
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Here's a weird one. 21 year old tabby cat. I've just blocked up an internal doorway with Celcon blocks. Not yet rendered and plastered as the whole wall is being stripped of paper etc. Anyway, the cat has taken to LICKING the wall for some odd reason. Mineral deficiency maybe or just bat cr@p crazy and old?

I vote crazy if well otherwise.

Torn between scoob & de-scoob..........still got a grin on my face at that expert diagnosis! :slap

Never did get around to taking it up the vet to try some anti-inflammatories to encourage it to go outside - you once mentioned it might be the reason it's become dirty indoors. Getting a pain tbh. Litter tray in the conservatory now but it's too ****** old/lazy to go through the cat flap and use it. If though I kick it out it will go in the garden. Has no issue then coming back in to the house through TWO cat flaps.

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I recon its trying to get to the body you bricked up in the now sealed room   ;
It did so love the first wife who suddenly...............erm...............left............ ;)

Try the painkillers. Please. They can make the world of difference to these animals QOL.
I'll call the vet in the morning. The bro inlaw's dog (rotteweiler/bloodhound cross) has just had a damn great cancerous lump taken off his neck. 8" scar but healed a treat. He was walking badly before the growth and now on anti inflammatories long term. The thing turns up every day now when I get in for a biscuit and a kick around the garden with one of many footballs he's savaged! Tyson it's called but soft as!

Onoff - been doing some research for you. Turns out there is a shedload of information (including many videos) if you pop the search terms 'pussy licking' into google.

:innocent :coat

Onoff - been doing some research for you. Turns out there is a shedload of information (including many videos) if you pop the search terms 'pussy licking' into google.

:innocent :coat

Appointment booked for Tues afternoon. Had quite a long discussion with the vet's receptionist. Suggested trying "Feliway" - some plug in thing that puts out pheremones apparently. Wife NOT keen though on anything that will "force" the cat out. Vets also mentioned possible thyroid problem as the cause? Decided the best thing is get the cat MOT'd for a start. Cheers.

Feliway sometimes works for non specific 'stress'. I suspect pain/kidneys/thyroid as most likely. Feliway works best in single cat households.

Some people like it, but not had a lot of success in my hands.

Just been to the vets. Prescribed anti inflammatories (Loxicom), worm tablets (Milbemax) and topical flea stuff (Advocate) as she reacts to Frontline. reckons we should see fairly immediate improvement on the Loxicom but to watch out for increased drinking. Cheers.

The wife gave the cat the inflammatories this morning. In food and it wolfed it down. I walked in to "She hasn't been right all day since I gave them to her...............she's been following me around all day" etc.

I wish she worried about my needs that much!   :lol:  

Well.............she's had 4 day's worth of the Loxicom.Not saying it's a new cat but:

- Doesn't suddenly fall over when washing itself

- Seems more mobile when washing itself and does so more often

- Less wobbly on her feet

- Tried to jump on the missus's lap which its not done for ages


We're just indoors and instead of running to the corner of the dining room it came through the kitchen, through the cat flap and went into it's dirt tray in the conservatory. Did a couple of circles in there, JUMPED out and RAN to the very back door to be let out. Promptly went and did what's cats do in the flower bed.

Looking good so far!

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