stealth taxes

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retired and loving it!
Supporting Member
May 7, 2008
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Sunny Plymouth
for the last 30 odd years avoiding direct taxation has been popular with are lovelly governments - both sides. So I thought it might be interesting to start a thread of examples of this, as it seems to be getting worse as the current governmant tries to balance the books. I have 2 new examples:-

1/ Insurance Protection Tax - apart from the fact this is a tax on money already having been taxed this has now been increased for 10% to 12 % with effect from 1st June.

2/ In Plymouth I can get an essential workers parking permit, which allows parking in city centre residents parking areas. Cost was £100 a year, now jumped to £300 per year. I have 2 vans for business so that's a hike of £400 , no doubt to cover shortfalls in council budgets as imposed by George Osbourne.

The UK is broke, if you think that is bad we now have a tax on dividends that have already paid CT, how bizarre is that? - expect it to get worse before it gets better..

How about the  "Income tax  Payment up front based on last years earnings "  Half yearly .

So the have some more of your money their pocket ... and then if it was too much  they'll give you some back next year .   Well NO  thats MY money ...should be in MY pocket not theirs ..............I'll pay what I owe at the end of the year if you don't mind .   .

The biggest con is Council Tax ..... And no revaluations.

so buy a house, have a big extension, yet council tax doesn't rise until the house changes hands..... Unlike under rates where the level was assessed on completion.

this would cost us..... But I think that's fair.

ever the felt the true cost of bailing out the banks is coming home to roost?

A lot of things are coming home to roost.......

Killing off proper pukka apprenticeships and starting Y.T.S. as an alternative is another area..... 

and half the reason why we have shortage of proper competent tradesmen is all fields not just electricians.

plus all the arsing around with banks becoming building societies and building societies becoming banks..

and supermarkets becoming energy suppliers and mortgage lenders etc..  etc...  etc.....

all creating artificial competition to supposedly bring costs down for Joe public,

which in reality have just confused everyone and increased prices ........

Which person in the whole of the UK can genuinely say they fully understand how their Gas & Electric charges are calculated and how to genuinely compare Tariffs between suppliers?

Tis all waffle and lettuced and cloak and dagger and smoke and mirrors and sleight of hand..

Roosting crows are certainly coming back home!



ever the felt the true cost of bailing out the banks is coming home to roost?
Actually they reported on the news a day or 3 ago, that the government have just sold the last of it's Lloyds shares, and overall they got more for them that the bail out cost of Lloyds. So in the end that actually turned a small proffit for them.

Not sure about RBS, that story is not yet finished.

The biggest con is Council Tax ..... And no revaluations.

so buy a house, have a big extension, yet council tax doesn't rise until the house changes hands..... Unlike under rates where the level was assessed on completion.

this would cost us..... But I think that's fair.
Don't get me started on Council tax. I was paying 10% of my income on council tax until just recently, putting me in "council tax poverty" and there was not t a thing I could do about it. I failed the test for any council tax relief as my assets were way over their threshold.

I am old enough to remember rates. When rates was replaced by the poll tax, I thought I would pay less, as everybody paid it, the total bill would be spread thinner so less per person. Wrong. My poll tax was more than the rates before it.  When the Poll tax was scrapped and replaced by council tax I thought it would go back to how it was before. Wrong. My new council tax was more than I was paying on the poll tax.  Please don't change the system again as we know which way the bill will go.

Hum.. 2 bedroom house under rates

Poll tax reduced my bill as I was living alone at the time

Council tax raised it again

You need to understand the reality in the higher density living of the south .... there are so many houses with 4+ adults in paying the same as one with 2 in ...... so the COuncil coffers are suffering.

Our Council tax is about £2500 per year....and with our extension, adding a a lump to the  property is still £2500 per year...

It needs changing and yes there will be people who will pay more... its more than  likely that within 7 years both my kids will be earning and living at home as its so expensive around here - is it right that a 4 adult family pay the same as the 2 OAP's next door?

How about the  "Income tax  Payment up front based on last years earnings "  Half yearly .

So the have some more of your money their pocket ... and then if it was too much  they'll give you some back next year .   Well NO  thats MY money ...should be in MY pocket not theirs ..............I'll pay what I owe at the end of the year if you don't mind .   .
A few years back, my brother in law had his own small haulage business, only a couple of trucks, anyway he got a letter from HMRC telling him he owed them about 15K as he had underpaid. He denied this as his accountant was spot on and he knew he'd paid the right amount, they said if he didn't pay they'd charge interest at X amount per day on the money and it was going to turn into a really big bill. He paid them and argued it, about 12 months later they admitted they were wrong and refunded him the 15K, "what about interest" he asked, "sorry we don't pay interest" was their reply!

Another one that annoys me, our council only empty our bins fortnightly, the general waste one week and the garden waste the next week, plus we have bags and boxes for recycling. Now they want to charge us £35 a year for emptying the garden waste bin, in October they stop collecting it 'til March, yet they don't increase collection on the general waste bin. Yet another stealth tax, they've sent out letters apparently (I haven't had one) stating that if you don't want to pay then you can keep the green bin and use it for storage, what they mean is they don't want the hassle of collecting it. Well they can take their green bin back and also their other recycling containers, I shall throw all my rubbish in the one bin, and to hell with it, nobody holds me to ransom

bins, a pet hate of mine, bloody things all over the pavements. As much as I support re-cycling, energy from waste strikes me as a lot easier.
Yes, some weeks when they get behind, they send an ordinary bin wagon and all the recycling stuff gets thrown in the one place, apparently they sort it later, yeah right!

The thing is, this charging for the green bin is the thin end of the wedge, they'll be charging for removing recycling waste next.

Mind you I'm waiting to see how my neighbour gets on, you see our housing association seem to assume that nobody works for a living. They have a habit of making appointments and just expecting you to be in, they sent him a letter saying they were coming on a certain day at a certain time to do the gas safety inspection. He informed them that it wasn't convenient as he and his wife were working, the woman on the phone got quite arsey, saying that it was their house and they could if necessary make a forced entry. They are always like this, any time anything happens and their response is, "it's our house at the end of the day", so my neighbour is going to ring them and tell them that "their" lawn needs cutting and they can remove the clippings, likewise in winter when the large tree sheds it's leaves, it's their tree, let them get rid of the leaves.  

Garden waste bins   Eh!   We pay £30 in Brum  ...collection re-started 4 weeks ago ...unfortunately I've had hardly anything to stick in it in theory thats two collections I paid for but couldn't use .   Bah!

what Labour policy caused the world wide collapse of banking???

Excessive PUBLIC and PRIVATE borrowing under Labour contributed to the problem....

Labour were borrowing £42 billion per year prior to the crash, so they were adding to the National Debt before the roof fell in....

what Labour policy caused the world wide collapse of banking???

and just for the record, the current administration has borrowed more money than all the previous Labour governments combined. Strong and stable :slap
Like a little clockwork mouse,

wind it up and let it run,

blindly chasing nothing

I do like the way you laughed after claiming they were strong and stable though,

Maybe , just maybe, the truth exudes through the sarcasm.
