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Aug 13, 2019
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New to forum I do various contract work at large companies including power stations and domestic stuff between contracts, the domestic stuff has problems with access that is bothering me.

:Welcome:  access in houses is always an issue - you need a small apprentice  :^O Failing that a deent set of rods, including the black stiff rods is a god-send, they have saved me an awful lot of crawling around attics and under floors over the years.

I have two Super Rod Mega sets and all the pulling meshes, magnet chain set, swan neck, glider etc. Also got the Gecko....doesn't get used much BUT paid for itself on the job I specifically bought it for. Polymer set is also very handy. NONE of them are cheap BUT they have paid for themselves over and over again

overcoming access isssues does come a lot with experience and it is not really something that can be taught 
