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the doctor

Part P Doctor ™
Mar 1, 2008
Reaction score
Hello all,

various questions regarding green sleeving and the like got me thinking:O

as a college teacher, there are some bits of the big red book that never get looked at, so i thought i would share it with the forum.....this is always covered in class:O

if you turn to page 9 you will see a preface, talking about CENELEC

now, CENELEC was formed in 1973 and is based in Belgium. it is the european regulations club and is responsible for those pesky clolour changes that happened in 2004. (it is the second one down called "HD 308 S2" (note the year-2001- i was talking about this then and everyone thought i was potty!

Our regulations have been hijacked and we must adhere to these directives as they are formed...

if you turn over to page 10, you will see part way down a "Notes on the plan of the 17th edition" section. In here you will see the numbering system is based upon IEC 60364....

'so what?" , you may say. well the IEC is based in switzerland and was formed in 1906. it is the world police of regulations and we, through CENELEC are signed up to this as well. you see the numbers every day gents:O

an mcb is a 60898, and an RCBO is 61009.....basically anything starting with "6" is IEC!

in ireland an mcb is not a BSEN 60898 it is ISEN 60898! and if you go to cyprus it will be marked with IEC898!

it is a big conspiracy and no-one sees it:coat

just the tip of the iceberg if you ask me. european beurocracy runs deep and is interwoven with just about every aspect of our lives. How long before we are just one big nation and lose our identity. All these things are foundations to just that.

On the positive side, just compare the prices of IEC 60364 and BS7671. You'd have to sell your car to pay for the first one!
