Oh - now this is weird

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Fridge Keyholder™
Supporting Member
Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
In the office again.
Although this starts off as PV related; it isn`t. Its a query about certification.

So last year, we did an install; and issued an NIC cert for the work. All fine and dandy.

The work was done through a local company, for a national "installer network".

Last week the national company `phoned me about one of the jobs:

They were providing photocopies of NICEIC certs, with the s/n tipp-ex`d out. So we were filling those in.

When I mentioned it to my area engineer, he reported them for it - and they stopped.

So they asked me to issue an original cert. for the work. Not a problem; same cert. no, same results etc.

But - today I get a call from the local company who were subbing the work to us, about a different job.

THIS job had one of "my" easycert forms issued; with the NIC details inserted in the appropriate box.

They now want me to sign ANOTHER cert. ; which they just emailed across - which has been filled in by their QS

Its only a 2 page thing; the QS has signed page 1 for design, construct, inspect & test (though he hasn`t been to the property.)

They want me to sign page 2; the results sheet, under "tested by".

The cert. they`ve emailed doesn`t currently have a number shown on it.

Neither is it filled in fully (no main switch details, earthing or bonding details) - boxes left blank (instead of "n/a")

Where do I stand? I`ve already issued a cert. ; now they`re suggesting every cert. has to have the QS`s name on it (glad that isn`t me!!!!!) :eek:

They have correctly copied the test results - and my name isn`t on the main page - do I just sign for testing, and not worry about it?

What thinks you all?

Sounds pointless....for a start their "QS" couldnt design and test a egg sandwich

It soulds like a certain national firm are trying to do whatever they can to get out of paying, theres no difference at all between the certs issued and what they are now asking for apart from the "QS" name is now on it.

Report them to your AE/REAL/MCS people KME, and then tell them to Foxtrot Oscar.AndyGuinness
Are they actually breaking any rules though mate? I`m not sure, which was my reason for posting.

[quote name='Andy

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Simples...Insert into mouth take a bite and chew

Does it taste good?

If so its a Pass

If no slap person who made said sandwich with the remainder

Don't think I would ever sign any cert that is not fully completed...

Nor would I sign any cert without some form of unique identifier... Ser No / Job No / Contract No etc..

Do they own you any money??

can you tell em to swivel?

or have you got to tread carefully?


Are they Nic registered ?
Nah - they`ve got their QS registered with ELECSA

Don't think I would ever sign any cert that is not fully completed...Nor would I sign any cert without some form of unique identifier... Ser No / Job No / Contract No etc..

Do they own you any money??
No mate

can you tell em to swivel?
Yes, quite happily.

or have you got to tread carefully?

Not in the slightest - in fact they`re one of the ones who dicked us around with respect to getting paid - so I feel no obligation or responsibility whatsoever to them.


The QS is making a false declaration on the cert, as he is signing for the install & the I&T even though he has not done it.

He should only be countersigning.

I have a cheque here, can you just sign it and I will fill in the rest of it later on....trust me!.....don't walk away......jog or run! When you have sent it to them anything could get added or deleted. that is why I always e mail my quotes as .pdf file....,akes it harder [but not impossible] to alter/edit. used to do them in word until a client edited the quote to suit himself LUCKILY I spotted it...and refused the job.................... :coat

if it smells like s4it, looks like s4it, feels like s4it then it probably is!

Martyn, follow the rules and keep it simple , (Or if its The Reverend , render unto Caesar what is Caesar's) and don't be pushed into anything that could come back and bite your ass .

I had a call last week from someone getting shocks from the bench in his workshop in the garden, does blacksmithing. Told him to switch off and I'd have a look next day.

Later that evening I thought the address sounded familiar , checked my previous pad of certs and there it was, a board change and wired a double extension there two years ago .........under comments .... "Refused to reconnect supply to garage/workshop"

I agree with the above, you issue your certificate because you did the work, if allowed to get away with it THEY would be the ones getting a pat on the back for a good install which they will use to get any accreditation required so that you will no longer be required. Especially as Elesca have the ability to pass on one job and not the two or three or four that the NICEIC do.

Just send the cert back to them saying that you will not put your name to an incomplete and fraudulent certificate,,,, you are better than that.

I had someone similar ;) emailing me for my certs for a couple of jobs I did a month or two ago,,, I'd emailed them over at most the day after doing the work with all the photos and my invoices.... Muppets

Ah - found out what was going on.

Elecsa have picked up that their QS doesn`t have a clue what was going on with all these installs, `cos he wasn`t there.

They`ve said he has to produce "reviewed" certs for 10% of all installs (for a total of approx 13 weeks, there were up to 12 teams, each doing an install a day, all over the country :slap

So he thought he`d use one of mine, and re-write it.

Now he isn`t doing that :slap

I don`t know how they`ll get around that, or who is going to pay for his time - but they`ve been told, in no uncertain terms, that it won`t have anything to do with any of my certs!


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