So we're not supposed to go to the pub

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Aug 5, 2014
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or restaurants, or cinemas etc etc

BUT we can go to a crowded supermarket, and push a trolley or use a basket ANYBODY could have been touching ..........

Unless somebody is regularly cleaning the handles of these items, aren't these supermarkets just turning into super "spreaders"?

I thought that this morning  when visiting the empty shelves at ASDA . 

Whole aisles empty of :- 

Toilet rolls


Kitchen roll


Baked beans :C  

Corn flakes








Tinned Tomatoes

Bird's Eye Original 1/4 pounders

Don't panic  Mr Mainwaring !!!! 

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or restaurants, or cinemas etc etc

BUT we can go to a crowded supermarket, and push a trolley or use a basket ANYBODY could have been touching ..........

Unless somebody is regularly cleaning the handles of these items, aren't these supermarkets just turning into super "spreaders"?
I've got wipes in the car and I'm cleaning trolley handles before using them. Snag is they are not alcohol types but still better than nothing, (I hope).

Yes  I was told last week the Army had been mobilised .  There was a phone call to a customer telling them to stock up  before  quantities of human waste begin to hit the rotary air movers .        I'd say they expect trouble with the lack of food stuffs ....having learnt from those looting  riots  that the country is NOT like it used to be .    One thing that scares our governments is the people taking to the streets  thats why TV is so important in keeping the population docile.  

cant see the whole nation being locked down. some of us have to keep it going
I think you better believe it I don't think a lockdown is that far away when you look at Spain and Italy

How things are going to be kept going will be interesting and is one of those million dollar questions

I quite often do work for older people and if they are in self isolation and have an electrical problem how can it be resolved

London is FAR FAR worse that the rest of the country. i do think that they should be sealed off, end of..

What is going on is VERY serious. I work in a hospital and due to being in a rather unique position, i am party to a lot of stuff.. The number of people presenting with the virus, where i live, at the moment, is neither here nor there, BUT, the NHS is already in big ****.. Staff are dropping like flies.. replacements are impossible to come by.. There is a register being prepared where staff can indicate on a form what other areas of work they would like to be draughted into should the need arise.. There are contingency plans as for what to do, servicewise, for decreasing staff numbers.. "loadshedding" you might call it..

So far as i am concerned, the government should ban ALL alcohol sales NOW. Go to any hospital and see the amount of resources devoted to drunken idiots. I would act to end that tomorrow. i will be certainly suggesting it to the top brass..

Apparently a LOT of people either have no symptoms at all, or only very mild.. so how the hell do you track that.. There are staff that HOPE they get it, just to get it over with, as we will ALL get it at some stage i would think..

Things are not good....


Clear message here. If it helps people worry less.

Dr. Rachel Tenant. Consultant in acute and respiratory medicine at Northwick Park hospital in north London has passed on this.

Hi everyone Just want to say – I’ve seen quite a few people with Covid 19 since Sunday.

The vast majority are fine. They seem to have one week of fever, a few days of dry cough and then sometimes breathlessness on day 8 or 9. Most people are fine to stay at home and recover in about 10 days. If it is going to be bad it is around day 9 or 10 and the breathlessness gets rapidly worse at that point.

We have had five patients who needed ITU but they all have heart or lung disease, and are quite elderly. Thankfully children seem to be invincible. I’ve never known anything like this – but we’re planning for huge numbers of people needing intensive care and working out how to cope.

We’ve managed to segregate our whole hospital into unknown (in single rooms), positive and negative areas. We’ve moved a whole intensive care unit and 4 other wards in 3 days flat – this sort of change usually takes at least 6 months to get agreed!

I think we need to worry about our elderly relatives but not our age group or our kids. It seems pretty clear that a large proportion of the UK will get this, hopefully spread out over months rather than all at once like Italy. Once enough people have had it then herd immunity will mean it dies out. So if the frail elderly can hibernate for a few months hopefully we can keep mortality down.

Anyway, if you have any Covid-19 questions, I know an awful lot more about it now than I did 2 weeks ago, so feel free to ask!

BW Rachel Dr Rachel Tennant Consultant in Respiratory & Acute Medicine Clinical Director for Acute Medicine.

What Dr Rachel says is exactly correct.. Yes, a lot of people WILL be seriously ill, but you need to keep things in proportion. Yes, a lot of people have died from this thing, but about 50,000 people a DAY die of cardiovascular problems and cancer... The situation in italy sounds terrible though..

Of one thing you can be CERTAIN.. The NHS staff are the finest you will EVER meet. The amount of behind the scenes planning that has been going on in the trust where i work is amazing.. The NHS and all the staff are simply brilliant, and i just hope that Boris does not forget that we would be sunk without them..


Of one thing you can be CERTAIN.. The NHS staff are the finest you will EVER meet. The amount of behind the scenes planning that has been going on in the trust where i work is amazing.. The NHS and all the staff are simply brilliant, and i just hope that Boris does not forget that we would be sunk without them..
Thats good to hear   Apprentice ,  I'm sure we all support them  ...........................................    as regards your final comment  (in red)    I  hope the same  but am not holding breath ....a pay rise  and less hours work would be good . 

Does anyone know if other countries have to put up with drunken idiots staggering into to A&E  at chucking out times. ?  


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