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Oct 22, 2010
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Home for the terminally bewildered, one step ahead
So it’s 3 years today since we lost Deke ,the only person who knew how the Internet actually worked.

He was an active member on here from its inception and had a wealth of knowledge gained from actually doing the job instead of wafting bits of certificate about

Now here’s the odd bit, I have never talked to him, I have never met him, if you showed me a pic of him I wouldn’t have a clue! BUT he was a mate who I felt I could turn to if I had an issue. Bit weird but some folk just get to you like that.

Like myself he didn’t suffer fools gladly and whereas he would never say it out loud I WILL, if people feel offended jog on and deal with it

Rest in peace Big fella
Somewhere in the bowels of the forum there will be an abundance of posts.. AND photographs, that Deke contributed during numerous discussions of various topics over many, many years...

And.. if I recall, as well as pictures of his trusty hound, maybe including his guitar (possibly also a Bert Weedon "play in a day" book)... And of course various industrial images from the printing press he and his mate Bob kept working....

There were some photos of his trusty Van & Garage..

You can learn a LOT from photos of a tradespersons Van and/or Garage/Storage unit...
That random accumulation of stuff you just keep holding onto, rather than throwing away, as it "May come in useful one day"!?

I just hope MRS Deke didn't have too much work sorting and clearing out all of his accumulated work odds' -n- sods!!

As another bod who is getting older, I am trying to clear out excessive work related "tat" that is accumulating in my garage!!

I currently have 5 children and 5 grandchildren, with another grandchild due this year..
So I do need to sort out what bits 'I need to keep'.. -vs-
What bits are probably just Tat that will be a burden for my kids to sort out once I am gone!!!

I will now take a moment to raise a glass to Deke & his family & friends! (y) 🍻:)

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