Direct measurement of Zs

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Problem is here, guys, we have NO ONE who will be definite about this - not even the committee in the IET who wrote the BS7671. I have written to NICEI to speak with Tony Cable whom I sure you will all have seen on training DVDs, but they replied that I need to be a member to contact Tony. If one of you who is a member could write to NICEI maybe we will get an answer that MAY be - it is up to YOU and NO ONE will say "that's wrong".

definite about what?

you being able to do a risk assessement and write up a method statement for testing live?

being a competent electrician it shouldnt be that hard to do it yourself instead of trying to pass the buck onto someone else all the time,

that is what is wrong with this country, everyone wants someone else to take responsibility for their actions,

grow a set and make your own decisions,

what has it got to do with tony, or drunken bob from the pub, how you test,?

I'm fairly sure that the IET produced a guide that defines how to do a test of Zs. Should we a competent electricians be confident in our ability to do our job? Or are we becoming a group of 'Alternative' operatives??

Problem is here, guys, we have NO ONE who will be definite about this - not even the committee in the IET who wrote the BS7671. I have written to NICEI to speak with Tony Cable whom I sure you will all have seen on training DVDs, but they replied that I need to be a member to contact Tony. If one of you who is a member could write to NICEI maybe we will get an answer that MAY be - it is up to YOU and NO ONE will say "that's wrong".

Problem? what problem...?

The only problem I see here is a utopian quest to try and find an all encompassing answer for every installation type…

Telling every electrician, no matter what their qualifications, competency, skills or abilities how they must carry out their duties...     Irrespective of any other site specific factors that may apply.

So...   we are looking for a definitive answer for all installations, from a 1xsocket 1xlight circuit phone accessory booth installation, in a shopping concourse … to a large scale manufacturing plant….

including Schools, Hospitals, Offices, Shops, “Churches”, Dwellings (rented & private), Cinemas, Pubs, Dentists surgeries, Farms, Fairgrounds, Marinas etc.. etc..  along the way.

And  expecting to find a reference measure or benchmark in…

BS7671 and/or those who wrote it.. (which is non statutory guidance)

Or  from… Tony Cable.. (who is just an employee of one of several voluntary electrical contracting bodies..  and has no more authority to say how anyone must do anything than Sarah Beeny or Kevin McCloud on a DIY project.)

{side question… Why do you think a Senior Marketing and Events Engineer. Has any authority over any electrician in their place of work? To give “This illusive definitive answer you want” }

Notwithstanding the fact that there is no obligation for any electrician to be a member of any contracting

body or scheme or to follow any schemes guidance..

The bottom line as Steptoe suggest is..

Every person has a responsibility under H&S to ensure they do not endanger others or themselves..

So it is the individual who will do their risk assessment and make their judgement and stand by the consequences of their actions..

Taking into account any relevant guidance and other legal obligations…

such legal obligation would include EAWR 1989,  typically.. regs 13,14  & 16

Any person unable to do such risk assessments unsupervised is clearly not competent to be working alone.

and should not be doing any Zs test unsupervised anyway!! 


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