Do you remember this day 10 years ago?

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
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10 years ago today 9/11 happened and i can remember exactly what i was doing like yesterday.

On a breakdown of an 1800 ton forging press checking the prox switch on the flywheel break as it was overriding and not stopping top dead centre fault as it turned out was a broken brake band.

It's strange how things like that stick in your mind on such a tragic event.

I know it's getting late, but I'm sure it's not the 11th yet....

Erm 9/11.... Shouldn't that be read as September 11th;)

But yes I do remember exactly where I was,,, as with a few other things

9/11 - I was in Scottish power shop in Chester watching (but not hearing) this amazingly realistic film of a plane crashing into a building in New York,,,, then we realised that it was real:(

Concorde crash - we took off from Charles de Gaulle airport in a BA plane, passing Concorde on a taxi way... Must have only been 2 planes in front of it:O

Princess Di - camping in Red wharf bay (Anglesea), it'd been peeing it down and we had an inch of water in the tent, we threw everything in the back of the car and went home,,, all we heard was that someone famous had died in a car crash, but it took nearly an hour before they mentioned who it was:O

On 11/9/01 I was doing a Periodic Inspection on a large old peoples home, went out to the van early afternoon for a sandwich & fag, put the radio on and it was all rather sombre (Mark without Lard etc.) We went back in to the home, went into the empty staff bedroom & put the telly on. Like everybody else who saw it we struggled to comprehend what was going on, it didn't seem real. I wasn't born when Kennedy was shot & I was a baby when Armstrong walked on the moon but I'll never forget where I was on the 11th of September 2001 (no idea what I was doing on the 9th of November though).

Just to clear it up , America shows the date the other way round to us.

So, driving to a job at a print works, radio news reader says we have an unconfirmed report that a light plane has flown into a building in New York. A few minutes later he reads a correction , its an airliner , then he says , this is confusing now , I think we are being told that two airplanes have hit the twin towers. As said, the TV images were /are beyond belief . Two other things stuck in my mind , the footage of people who decided to jump, hurtling towards the ground.

And later footage of the NY Fire Service ,standing in the lobby , the leader says "Whats that thumping noise?" I heard someone answer" Its the bodies hitting the ground" You could see the shock on his face.

Birmingham Pub Bombings , heard a load of sirens kicking off ,seemed to go on for a long time, then local radio cut into the programme to warn everyone to keep away from the city centre. The Mullberry Bush was a pub we used as apprentices when working in the city on a Friday night (Pay Day) We heard later of the horrific injuries from a bomb exploding in an enclosed space , The Tavern in the Town was down below street level.

21 murdered .

Next day on the site we were working on , a tough looking ganger man broke down in tears ,he'd been to the local shop and been told to **** off . I remember him saying those things are nothing to do with the real Irish people.

Its well known in Brum that certain people had warned their workmates and neighbours that something was "Going down in the city on Friday night" and to keep away. Then certain people left the city that night to attend the funeral of their mate who blew himself up in Coventry while making a bomb .

Police are not searching for anyone else .

These things stay with you, as when people who are iconic to that particular period die or are killed , President Kennedy, Matin Luther King, Elvis, John Lennon , Princess Diana.

American F111 raid on tripoli late 80s,,,,,,,lying in my bed thinking WTF is all that aircraft noise,,looked out of window to see all the aircraft lights overhead

Latest raids on tripoli 10 days ago,,,,tonkas overhead,,,,,,,,,told the wife they were going to libya,,,,,,,,news next day...thats what it was

Lockerbie bombing,,,,,,,cleaning 30 rifles as a punishment after an exercise in a secure building with Military Police when they walked in an told us,,,,,mayhem that night.

9/11 heard it on the radio.......strange feeling when all the other attacks came on the radio.

On the day that Princess Diana died - I was driving into work in the early hours (Coach driving).

It just didn't sound good the way it was said: "Diana - the princess of Wales - is dead". and this was reorded and played every minute or two.

I was in NZ when Diana died. As it happened late at night it was actually reported in NZ almost as soon as it happened. I rmemeber being stunned and in disbelief. an eerie feeling seing millions of people flocking to London to put flowers down outside Buck pal.

11/9 - I was working in a plastics factory and heard something on the radio - sounded like an accident - until the second one. By the time I got home onle tower had collapsed and the pentagon had been attacked too. I remember feeling angry seeing the people rejoicing and dancing in the streets in the middle east.

Thanks Revo, I remember that image of rejoicing, angered me too , some stupid woman doing that wierd high pitched noise and our so called friends in Pakistan rejoicing in the streets . ( They didn't make much of a stink about the US entering their country and topping Bin Laden , I see)

America has many faults, as we do ourselves, but its conveniently forgotten how much aid they flood into disaster areas and under priveliged countries .

And the war graves behind Omaha Beach has made us their allies and their cousins for the last 67 years. Some of these people don't seem to get that . !!!

I was in Germany in the army just came back from the naafi ended up just sitting watching sky news all day, nobody went back to work that day.

This raised our camps alert status which in turn made the guard shifts a pain as we then had to wear helmets and body armour :-(


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