Newbie From Gillingham, Kent, Says Hi

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New member
Dec 8, 2013
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Hi all. Looking forward to hanging around here and will make a change from car forums I've been on in the past. I'm currently doing a 4 week Domestic Installer course and due to finish in January ready to go self employed, initially while still working at my full time publishing job which will only be for another 5-7 years max, so this is something I'm doing for the long term, but also has shorter term benefits too.

I do have an immediate question but I thought I'd say hello first and have a look round and see if I can find the answer. I doubt I will as I don't think it will be that common but you never know.

... full time publishing job which will only be for another 5-7 years max, so this is something I'm doing for the long term, but also has shorter term benefits too...
Stick with the Publishing job Brucester, it will be more money for less hassle, and less responsibility and virtually no chance of ending up in prison on a manslaughter charge! ;)

Trust me, you will be better off in your current career, if you have been told by the 4 wk training course provider that you will earn £80k plus, then they are a bunch of liars.

You are going to be looking at over £20k in overheads before you earn a penny, then you will be competing on jobs where you can make nothing on design, materials, so you will have to design the jobs, quote them, source and provide the materials for what the materials cost you, and thus no income & no profit from that.

Then you will be competing against the guys who steal their materials from work, design nothing, use their employers test gear, and are working for beer money, whilst you are trying to make a living out of it.

Forget it, your publishing job is much more lucrative, trust me, I know.

wont learn much in 4 weeks. and unless you have previous experience and are just getting ur reg's you will struggle going self employed and wont be able to cert your work. to be honest short course arnt loved much on here probably why there is a lack in hello's. most of the guys on here have been to more than one job that have been a mess and dangerous because of "electricians" that have taken short courses

Just ask your question, you would not believe the questions we have been asked. None of them have been special or unexpected. It is the uninitiated that ask basic questions and one of the reasons why seasoned electricians  get hot under the collar.

Welcome to the forum. I always was under the impression it takes five weeks to become a sparks. Is this a more combined course?

Stick with the Publishing job Brucester, it will be more money for less hassle, and less responsibility and virtually no chance of ending up in prison on a manslaughter charge! ;)

Trust me, you will be better off in your current career, if you have been told by the 4 wk training course provider that you will earn £80k plus, then they are a bunch of liars.

You are going to be looking at over £20k in overheads before you earn a penny, then you will be competing on jobs where you can make nothing on design, materials, so you will have to design the jobs, quote them, source and provide the materials for what the materials cost you, and thus no income & no profit from that.

Then you will be competing against the guys who steal their materials from work, design nothing, use their employers test gear, and are working for beer money, whilst you are trying to make a living out of it.

Forget it, your publishing job is much more lucrative, trust me, I know.
Absolutely bang on ^

To be honest I was advised against joining this type of forum due to the nature of the short intense training I am doing, (which is certified by the IET among other nationally recognised bodies), but I thought I'd introduce myself regardless, unbiased and with open mind.

"Stick with the Publishing job Brucester, it will be more money for less hassle, and less responsibility and virtually no chance of ending up in prison on a manslaughter charge!"

If a job is designed, installed, verified, inspected and certified correctly there should be no chance of that happening anyway!


"If you have been told by the 4 wk training course provider that you will earn £80k plus, then they are a bunch of liars. You are going to be looking at over £20k in overheads before you earn a penny."

Not sure where you're getting those figures from but I've not been told anything regards to earnings and my overheads wont be anywhere near what you have quoted.

"Wont learn much in 4 weeks. and unless you have previous experience and are just getting ur reg's you will struggle going self employed and wont be able to cert your work. to be honest short course arnt loved much on here probably why there is a lack in hello's. most of the guys on here have been to more than one job that have been a mess and dangerous because of "electricians" that have taken short courses."

I beg to differ. I will be able to certify my own work. I have also seen shoddy workmanship carried out by qualified and experienced long serving electricians. There will always be the few that mar the reputation of the majority. I also wonder how many of those messy jobs you mentioned were carried out by self taught "professionals"?

Thanks for the one welcome I did get in any case, but I wont be wasting any more of my time on here.
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If I flip this on its head and told you I was going to be a publisher as I'm doing a four week course, you'd probably laugh me out the park?

So whilst I don't mind anyone changing career there is a right way and a wrong way to do so?


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