Odour removal

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retired and loving it!
Supporting Member
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
Sunny Plymouth
Hi Apache,

I have a small problem with cat-pee odour as in manky bloody tom cat what seems to have taken to living in my house when we are out. To cut long story short I came home out of normal hours and caught the barsteward asleep in my living room. During the resulting commotion, whereby said cat was delivered a resounding boot to backside ]:) (I learn't not to try a pick up panicky cats some years ago) it obviously decided to discharge large quantity of scent marking odour X( . Removal of said odour is proving difficult, so was wondering if you could recommend something that might actually work ?

We had the same trouble at our old house where an un-neutered tom was coming in via the cat flap and marking his presence with a horrible pungent stink . Our cat at the time had been neutered so I knew it wasn't him . What we had to do was set the cat flap so ours could go out but couldn't come in until we got home . The wife used an odour neutralising spray which after a couple of goes did the trick . It was a really horrible smell to put up with though ..... if all fails a 12 bore wont !!! If you know what I mean ... ]:)

The down side to cat flaps is you always get unwanted visitors. I've been trapping and scaring cats for years, but unneutured toms can be viscious, hence the unnusually rough treatment this one got, I also think this one is a stray / feral cat. It definetly seems to have been almost living here, and I'm pretty sure is responsible for the flea problem we had last year (it was hard to spot cos we have an almost identical cat who is permantly paranoid and spends lots of time scurrying under beds, behind furniture etc). The cat food bill has certainly dropped :D

I did get some stuff from a Vet some time ago, which worked really well, but can't remember what it was. It worked by applying a bacteria spray which consumed the wee before the stinky bacteria could, hence preventing the stink.

Must also invest in new cat flap with locking mechanism after another of these :put the kettle on , and when I've found my 'round tuit'

Binky - we sell an odour eliminator at the surgery, but I can't seem to find it online. Your vet may be able to help you out. The other stuff I have found is the Bissel stuff - usually does what it claims, but I haven't used it myself.

The best solution to this is a cat flap controlled by your pets microchip. They work really well and can be programmed to an existing chip or get them fitted.


