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Distinguished Member
Feb 25, 2009
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I am just watching the rememberance service or I suppose you could call it the concert, as the actual sevice is in the morning.

This is a very emotional time for me as I not only remember those who gave their lives in the last great wars, but to those who defend our democracy to this day.

As an ex serviceman I always feel very patriotic at this time of year, and all towns and cities in our great land has had some effect of the recent conflicts.

These are young men who give 100% firstly to their brothers in arms, and then to their country, and then to us.

Remember those, who give the ultimate, and remember also ,that we do know, that the Koran does not teach violence, but only love, just like the bible.

I am going to the service tommoro, and I will remeber amongst my prayers a young lad who grow up near me, who gave his life for us, I will also remember his mother (Mandy) who has done some great work to make us all aware of the effects of war on a personal level.

So tommoro I will be remembering JASON RAWSTRON from Claton-Le-Moors.

God bless and sleep well.

Please give thanks by naming those you know from your area and not by thanking me, I will ask admin to remove all thanks to this post.

I too will attend a service tomorrow, not to remember anyone in particular, but just to remind myself that we owe so much, to so many.

I will be remembering loved ones in particular but also paying my respects to all our armed forces past and present for their courage in the face of the horrors of conflict .......LEST WE FORGET .

From my old regiment (there are many more but these lad's I knew)

Gnr Lynden Morgan - Killed by IRA booby trap in Carrickmore, NI, April 26th 1988

Maj Michael Dillion-Lee - Gunned down on his drive by the IRA outside his quarter in Dortmund, West Germany 1990 (we heard the shots at the camp gate while waiting for a taxi to town)

Wo2 Sean Upton - Killed by an ied whilst on foot patrol in the Sangin district of Helmond Province, 2009

Birch,Bradley,Adams,Smart. UDR

Murdered by the IRA in Downpatrick 1000lbs culvert bomb.

Forever remembered.

Strange asked by a photographer to stand in a picture to show the scale of the crater, declined. Following day I was on the tube in London and that picture was on the front page. If only those on the tube knew how close they were to someone who had been there, felt it, smelt it, never forget it.

Good to see that Forumites remember those who gave their lives for their country.

Another soldier died today in Afganistan, I just hope we are there for the right reasons.

We never watched the rememberence ceremonys when I was a kid as it reduced my dad ( ex RN) to tears.

Now I just have some photographs , his campaign medals from WW2 and a very few storys from those days that I prised from him. Escorting convoys in the Atlantic ,constant fear of a Uboat torpedo,merchant ships going down like sitting ducks.

He remembered after the Burma landings, freed prisoners off the Railway of Death got hold of some weapons and shot their guards, no reports were made because all the newly arrived troops were looking the other way.

A lucky break, he was transfered from HMS Hood ,or I would not be here.

He lost shipmates on Repulse and Prince of Wales . All I can do is remember them for him now.


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