Uk battery manufacturer for solar storage?

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2022
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Are there any uk companies with fully uk manufactured batteries for use with solar pv systems?

I did a bit of web searching...

Givenergy are uk owned if I read companies house correctly.

So far I can't find out if they manufacture their batteries from scratch and, if so, where its done. They look to be based near Stoke.

General web searches indicate there is a Chinese link for Givenergy, poss R&D, so I'm guessing the batteries are made there. A Mr Zheng resigned in 2019 as a director. Givenergy Australia appear to be a distributor rather than manufacturer.

there is also an application made to build a factory in Chemical Lane in Stoke, as far as I can see work has not been started on that yet.

Myenergi are uk owned too and have submitted full accounts.

Myenergi have facilities near Grimsby it would seem, and an electronics weekly article Nov 2022 indicates libbi batteries are made/assembled there if I read correctly. I can't find anything indicating if they make from scratch.

Are both companies importing Chinese made cells and assembling, which is what Fogstar do for their rack batteries?
Are there any uk companies with fully uk manufactured batteries for use with solar pv systems?

I did a bit of web searching...

Givenergy are uk owned if I read companies house correctly.

So far I can't find out if they manufacture their batteries from scratch and, if so, where its done. They look to be based near Stoke.

General web searches indicate there is a Chinese link for Givenergy, poss R&D, so I'm guessing the batteries are made there. A Mr Zheng resigned in 2019 as a director. Givenergy Australia appear to be a distributor rather than manufacturer.

there is also an application made to build a factory in Chemical Lane in Stoke, as far as I can see work has not been started on that yet.

Myenergi are uk owned too and have submitted full accounts.

Myenergi have facilities near Grimsby it would seem, and an electronics weekly article Nov 2022 indicates libbi batteries are made/assembled there if I read correctly. I can't find anything indicating if they make from scratch.

Are both companies importing Chinese made cells and assembling, which is what Fogstar do for their rack batteries?
Fogstar 5.12kWh rack batteries are assembled and tested in China & use Eve grade A cells, so are shipped here ready to use. Fogstar also sell Eve cells for customers to self build batteries.
doesn't mean they will make batteries for solar though. Good to see Nissan is sticking wth the UK, although you have to wonder how much the government is bunging them?
doesn't mean they will make batteries for solar though.
Why wouldn't they? Elon musk did, no hesitation and has done some pretty big battery projects.

Good to see Nissan is sticking wth the UK, although you have to wonder how much the government is bunging them?
All governments help in this way in all countries, incentives galore.
Why wouldn't they? Elon musk did, no hesitation and has done some pretty big battery projects.

we apparently need about 5 such factories tosupply the car industry, so I would suspect the will prioritise that.
All governments help in this way in all countries, incentives galore.
Certainly, do, and we should do more of it to attract decent jobs.
Recently saw this which says myenergi battery made in UK

Can't find anything on myenergi website stating this though
I suppose it depends to what level you're assessing them. I don't believe the cells or the IC's and semiconductors are made in the UK, I suspect they 'assemble' the battery here as opposed to make the battery.
MyEnergi have just made a substantial number of their workforce redundant which is surprising considering the uptake in green products.

NB the following is a general comment not a complaint againt Myenergi in particular...

My subconscious threshold of made in Britain was 'are the cells made here', or at least 'do they assemble the battery from imported cells'

Then where does the B.M.S come from?

What percentage of parts need to be manufactured from scratch in Britain in order to make something British?

I'm sure there's some legal definition for it somewhere, probably running along the lines of chicken soup only needing to have 5% chicken to be called that!

Personally I could live with imported cells for now but would like the electronic board for the BMS and its control software to be done in UK if poss for it to pass as made in Britain in my eyes.

Otherwise it's like someone claiming a toy they'd made was made in the UK whereas in fact they'd just bought the equivalent of a lego kit and put it together and sold the finished product on to the consumer.

Just be honest about it. Design and final assembly? fine, just say so, far better than

Sorry to hear about the job losses, bad news for everyone involved.
The sad truth is we actually make very little in the UK these days, the EU is substantially to blame for this funding manufacturing businesses to move out of the UK and setup elsewhere. Maggie had her cronies privatised most nationalised industries (telecoms, water, energy etc) with them ending up in the hands of foreign investors, the coal industry was shutdown almost overnight. All of this reduced our manufacturing capability to nigh on zero. I have recently bought a new car, I tried to go British with Ford or Vauxhall (JLR were completely off list due to price, reliability and dreadful customer service). We ended up buying a Chinese car, MG5. How can the Chinese manufacture a very well spec'd car, ship it round the world at a good £10 to £15k less than so call UK rivals? The government should go some way to support the UK manufacturers eg no VAT on UK manufactured goods, that would go some way to levelling the playing field and reducing imports.
It's not the EUs fault as such, they've just had a far more sensible approach to keeping jobs and manufacturing than our neo-liberal economic policies. The Chinese have got away with keeping their currency undervalued, don't ask me how, that's something I don't really understand. Our own business leaders are the ones responsible for sending the work to China, it's quite simple, they have the view that making things is harder than just selling things with a higher profit margin. My last job in engineering was a small factory making dental tools, the factory was allowed to make 5%, everything made was sold to the sales team who were allowed to make as much as possible, but was in fact set up as a separate company. Things we sold them for £15, they sold for £60, so they made lots of money, and the factory was starved of money to invest in improving production. Guess what happened to the factory. A more famous example is Apple, the company making all the iPhones etc is worth billions, Apple is worth Trillions. Sales and marketing is seen as more profitable than making stuff, which it is, hence the work has been shipped out to China. It's also why China is buying brand names, and trying to create it's own.
Best you’ve probably got is GivEnergy. While the batteries aren’t made here, their support and development teams are based in the UK
It's not the EUs fault as such, they've just had a far more sensible approach to keeping jobs and manufacturing than our neo-liberal economic policies.
,.. here's a short list of financial and industrial FUBARs from the EU then,.. (it was longer,OK much longer, but really tough reading. I have however edited this slightly due to those who have asked me to clarify some points. All of it has been fact-checked not only by myself but also many others.)

Cadbury moved production of several brands to a factory in Poland 2011 with EU grant. Despite promising the workforce they would not.
Ford Transit moved to Turkey 2013 with EU grant.
Jaguar Land Rover has recently agreed to build a new plant in Slovakia with EU grant, owned by Tata, the same company who have trashed our steel works and emptied the workers pension funds. They have not yet said what UK plants will lose out.
Peugeot closed its Ryton (was Rootes Group) plant and moved production to Slovakia with EU grant. That move was not wanted by Peugeot, it was forced on them by EU blundering and cost then dearly.
British Army's new Ajax fighting vehicles to be built in Spain using Swedish steel at the request of the EU to support jobs in Spain with EU grant, rather than Wales. (Just assembly. They could have been built entirely in Wales with British steel, ah Tata, maybe not then.)
Dyson gone to Malaysia, after an EU loan blunder. (I didn't believe this till I checked Financial Times)
Crown Closures, Bournemouth (Was METAL BOX), gone to Poland with EU grant, once employed 1,200.
M&S manufacturing gone to far east with EU loan.
Hornby models gone. In fact all toys and models now gone from UK along with the patents all with with EU grants.
Gillette gone to eastern Europe with EU grant.
Texas Instruments Greenock gone to Germany with EU grant.
Indesit at Bodelwyddan Wales gone with EU grant.
Sekisui Alveo said production at its Merthyr Tydfil Industrial Park foam plant will relocate production to Roermond in the Netherlands, with EU funding.
Hoover Merthyr factory moved out of UK to Czech Republic and the Far East by Italian company Candy with EU backing.
ICI integration into Holland’s AkzoNobel with EU bank loan and within days of the merger, several factories in the UK, were closed, eliminating 3,500 jobs
Boots sold to Italians Stefano Pessina who have based their HQ in Switzerland to avoid tax to the tune of £80 million a year, using an EU loan for the purchase. (Now sold on again)
JDS Uniphase run by two Dutch men, bought up companies in the UK with £20 million in EU 'regeneration' grants, created a pollution nightmare and just closed it all down leaving 1,200 out of work and an environmental clean-up paid for by the UK tax-payer. They also raided the pension fund and drained it dry. (Joint CEOs charged with financial trading fraud, insider trading)
UK airports are owned by a Spanish company.
Scottish Power is owned by a Spanish company.
Most London buses are run by Spanish and German companies.
The Hinkley Point C nuclear power station to be built by French company EDF, part owned by the French government, using cheap Chinese steel that has catastrophically failed in other nuclear installations. Now EDF say the costs will be double or more and it will be very late even if it does come online.
Swindon was once our producer of rail locomotives and rolling stock. Not any more, it's Bombardier in Derby and due to their losses in the aviation market, that could see the end of the British railways manufacturing altogether even though Bombardier had EU grants to keep Derby going which they diverted to their loss-making aviation side in Canada. New trains contract awarded to German company.
39% of British invention patents have been passed to foreign companies, many of them in the EU
The Mini cars that Cameron stood in front of as an example of British engineering, are built by BMW mostly in Holland and Austria and those parts assembled in the UK. His campaign bus was made in Germany even though we have Plaxton, Optare, Bluebird, Dennis etc., in the UK. The bicycle for the Greens was made in the far east, not by Raleigh UK but then they are probably going to move to the Netherlands too as they have said recently.

Anyone who thinks the EU is good for British industry or any other business simply hasn't paid attention to what has been systematically asset-stripped from the UK. Name me one major technology company still running in the UK, I used to contract out to many, then the work just dried up as they were sold off to companies from France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, etc., and now we don't even teach electronic technology for technicians any more, due to EU regulations.

Yes some companies are in the UK with EU funding, but have you noticed that many, like Tata, are planning to shift the production away again, as soon as they will not have to pay a penalty to the EU for doing so. Hundreds already did, just using British skills to develop products and then opt for lower labour costs, often with a serious loss in quality too like Bosch alternators. Many employ staff only on a part-time basis, minimum wage and even those sent by DWP to work for nothing, those get just their benefits.

I haven't detailed our non-existent fishing industry the EU paid to destroy, nor the farmers being paid NOT to produce food they could sell for more than they get paid to do nothing, don't even go there.
I haven't mentioned what it costs us to be asset-stripped like this, nor have I mentioned immigration, nor the risk to our security if control of our armed forces is passed to Brussels or Germany.

The way companies abuse the EU commercial assistance system is not doing the EU, Britain or any other country any favours. It has massive loopholes that are simply exploited and no-one in Brussels has the wit nor sense to change it. Change in the EU is slow at best and in most cases, next to impossible due to the intense lobbying by companies with a vested interest in abusing this very broken system. I know Margaret Thatcher was not many people's favourite person, but she did get a number of measures agreed that have now been completely eroded and sadly, by her own party. Mr Junker has said that any more 'special status' for Britain will be difficult and will face legal challenges. In other words, we will not get most of them, if any.

If the EU may break up in the event of Britain voting to leave as suggested by both leaders of the Bundesbank and European Central Bank, then in all honesty, we have as a nation been propping up a failed system for too long, It will probably fail anyway, taking anyone still 'in' with it. Thus, this vote you have is not exactly 'remain' or 'leave', it is more an issue of jumping off the sinking ship while we have a chance to swim ashore now, or waiting till it is in really deep water and going down with it. Either way, being brutally honest, we get wet and will have a struggle. Question is, do you want to survive or not?

This is an old list around the time of Brexit, it is however some of what happened to our industry.


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