Possible Ccj Against Me After Canceling A Subscription After Sales Con

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I have an ongoing dispute over a sum of money where I have disputed the amount owed,

they have threatened me with debt collectors for months,

I got a court letter last week,

so, in summary, if they are genuine, then Id think court before debt collector, like I have got.

To employ a debt collector when you have not already got a judgement, [or it is self evident that the money is owed] is basically, demanding money with menaces. Not a good idea...

From the other side of the coin, threatening to use a debt collector is what I do in the event of non payment.

I send a final demand by recorded post stating that if I am not paid in 14 days I will hand the matter to a debt collector.

The debt collector will then chase the bill starting with firm letters, then taking it to court and all the time adding their costs.

As a sole trader, I do not have the time and energy to take a non payer to court, let the agency do that and charge them for it.

So far I have never  had to carry out my threat, the recorded delivery final demant threatening to do that has always resulted in payment in full.

I agree with Dave, and also some debt collection companies take the debt off you offering you a % should they recover the debt.

Also interest wiill be added daily compounded daily at rest, so mounts up as each day passes.

Having read the thread this could end badley.

Its ok people saying ignor it, but if the terms and conditions are set out and you breach them I dont think you have much choice, failure to read the terms and conditions is not their fault.

If they can't prove you received the document, then that will buy you time.

Recorded delivery is the only way to communicate with these sorts of people/companies.

If they don't reciprocate, ignore the communication and deny having it.

You could be on thin ice, I don't know from here, these companies are the scum of the earth, just like the financial services industry.

They are thieving lying scumbags as well.

This is the collectors website http://www.thornburycollections.co.uk

The thing is I'm in the process have saving up for a house and the last thing I want is to have ccjs against me.
From their website

If the debt is disputed or contested in any way, we will investigate, substantiate and mediate wherever possible, to amicable settlement. With the cooperation of both parties, we believe any dispute can be resolved without the need for expensive legal action. Commonsense rules, OK!
So you need to put that to the test.  contact them. Tell them of your grievances, why you think the contract should not stand, and let them prove their mediation skills.

DON'T just ignore it and hope it will go away. It almost certainly won't

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Have you got a printout of the proof of delivery of your previous letter of complaint?????

No good just writing with standard post..

It MUST be a letter that is tracked and signed for....

so you can prove that you wrote to them and they have not replied to you...

However saying that ....

Probably should have been sent ages ago..  ? :C

But if you did not get any proof of delivery then its a bit of a pi55ing in the wind gamble...

May go in you favour..

Or it may not....

Worst case... 

it could mess up your credit rating..

so don't hang around or hope it will resolve itself by you doing nothing.

credit rating is safe unless court finds against you and you are stupid enough not to pay up - that's when CCJs are issued, for not paying. £40 go to court first, if you lose, pay up, if they back dowm then you know they are winkers chancing it with threats. If you are a scheme member, use their legal departments, its what you pay for. Nothing like a nice solicitors letter!

Well I've decided to pay the fee had a quick chat with Napit legal and they suggested I probably ain't got a leg to stand on and if I want my credit rating to stay clean.

Hope any one 1 else learns from my mistake.

Thanks for everyone's input from this topic I've sure learnt people are out there to make money from small business's who are trying to live a honest life.

Sorry to hear that Alpha. I had it with companies selling so called advertising space saying they were tied to police/ambulance/ charities. All lies. Nowadays I will never buy anything over the phone.


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