Church wiring

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Supposed to stop the heavy door being shut onto the flex Geoff .     You have to plug the flex in outside the door  , the lights come on and a wall mounted desk fan to move stale air . 

Never tested the cotton reels  TBH  .    

Kerch obviously did some Barclays refurbs too.  

A good idea they used  as IT  was taking over their mode of work  was to have "Special " sockets for important  IT   stuff .  (  13A plug with one pin at an angle)  and a dedicated , locked board for all IT  stuff .   Bare in mind they are sending  data all day long , don't need the plumber to rock up and trio the power with his dodgy drill .   

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Supposed to stop the heavy door being shut onto the flex Geoff .     You have to plug the flex in outside the door  , the lights come on and a wall mounted desk fan to move stale
Why not just have the switch outside the door, like a bathroom?  Is there some reason to go inside and turn off the light?  Surely not.  Or is it a way of stopping the door being closed whilst someone is inside?

Why not just have the switch outside the door, like a bathroom?  Is there some reason to go inside and turn off the light?  Surely not.  Or is it a way of stopping the door being closed whilst someone is inside?
Not allowed to have any electric supply ( permanent) within vault

light could be left on.....therefore readily accessible supply in the vault

remember this is Barclays...thicker than 🐶 💩 

No Geoff    It may have been an insurance thing , not sure ,   but they didn't want any holes drilled through the blockwork , however innocent , could be packed with explosives . 

Usually when  refurb work was going on they would open the big heavy door  but  have the inner steel gate shut .    


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