jubilee weekend

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We had a fantastic street party yesterday, over 150 people turned out. We had music, bouncy castle, fireworks etc, the kids up the street had a really superb day as did the big 'uns.

Nah, not done anything for the Jubilee - afterall, the Queen ain't done nothing for me lol. Her govt is in disarray and the country is in sticky stuff. Not much for her to celebrate.

Nah, not done anything for the Jubilee - afterall, the Queen ain't done nothing for me lol. Her govt is in disarray and the country is in sticky stuff. Not much for her to celebrate.
Did notice that she wasn't smiling a lot either, didn't even crack a smile when charley called her mummy, everybody else cracked up. Still if that's what being head of state does to you she can keep it.

Did notice that she wasn't smiling a lot either, didn't even crack a smile when charley called her mummy, everybody else cracked up. Still if that's what being head of state does to you she can keep it.
I suppose I wouldn't be smiling either if my Husband of 65 years had been rushed to hospital 6 hours before.

We've been busy. Was on call Sat/Sun/Mon but that side was quiet.

Sat - village sports day followed by BBQ in evening.

Sun - craft show with jubilee theme (my wife won 3 classes)

Monday - rounders in the afternoon, tug-o-war etc and then a band in the evening until late

Tues - 'bring and share' street party this afternoon & kids fancy dress

Id estimate half the houses are decorated, including ours. In addition to the obligatory bunting we also are displaying a Yorkshire and Lancashire flag. Even got a Union Flag bandanna for the dog.

I think these things are great. Brings people together and gives some pride in being British. Bah humbug to the miserable people.

God Save the Queen!


Well I am not a great royalist but I am proud of her and think she does a great job. What's this blaming her for the state of the country this is a democracy we vote in the government in not her. How many people don't even get of there bums during election time.

not much on round here so i work on my buggy all weekend welding grinding made my own fire works

moose man

Saturday was Grandaughters 2nd birthday [some may recall she was in a body cast and imobilised for 4 months just after christmas], she was destined not to walk for upto 6 months! walking after 4 days!!!!!!! so saturday was a good day...far more important than some jubilee.


Knock down wall between boiler room and new utility room

rewire same

connect mystery cables that I put in as part of the millenium kitchen project [all part of same graand plan]

wire new camera

wire new alarm

wire new boiler supply [new boiler goes in next week]

wire garden speakers

close off window cavity

foam all gaps

take out sink unit, dry line walls, refit sink unit

bottle latest batch of wine

...and relax

.................................. :Y ...................... :coat


Glad to hear the good news mate on your Grand Daughter.

We went to a party Sunday in an adjoining set of houses, it rained badly!

We threw our garden open yesterday to friends and neighbours in an attempt to foster neighbourhood relations, it worked quite well, and we did a BBQ for charity and raised just over


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