Sleeping In Motorway Services.

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Feb 27, 2008
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Who saw the chap on the news last night that had fallen asleep in the motorway services. He was complaining that he got a fine. Well I think if he needed  two and a half hours sleep perhaps he shouldn't have set out in the first place.

to be honest if he became tired while driving and pulled into a services to have a sleep while carrying on his journey, as long as he didnt cause trouble and wasnt obstructing anything id rather him have slept for 2.5 hours and been a safe driver ie not tired, than been driving while tired and caused an accident or rta!

The idiot should have thrown his parking charge notice invoice straight in the bin! Not worth the paper it was written on!

Motorway services allow free parking for two hours, I believe this is an issue that should be resolved. Tiredness can kill, that's the message given before each services, how the hell can they then impose a two hour repose? You should be allowed to sleep for however long it takes to regain your composure.

why not?

can I come and park on your driveway?
Technically, yeah, and short of paying for a tow truck to remove you and place your car safely on the road immediately off my driveway and invoicing you for costs, there aint much I'd legally be able to do about it.

If you overstay your welcome in a private car park, the only thing they are legally able to do is bill you for lost revenue, and by 'lost' revenue, I don't mean what you should have paid but didn't, I mean revenue that they lost as a result of a paying customer not being able to use your parking space! Bear in mind that 99.99% of the time there will always be another spare space.

Another thing to point out is that in contract law (which is essentially what you enter into by using the facilities of a private company) you cannot impose financial penalties on anyone for a breach of contract.

To summarise...

The invoice that the guy received from the private parking company in charge of managing the service station's car park was not worth the paper it was written on!

The 2 hour FREE parking limit has been at motorway services for many many many many many years...


as long as I can remember........

and Its not normally that hard to go an purchase the relevant ticket if you want to park for longer...? 

But as with a lot of things in life there are always people who think that rules do not apply to them only to other people...

I bet they have a mobile phone with an alarm clock built in... 

Just set an alarm for hour and three quarters...

wake up then go to the next services for another power nap if you are that tired!!!!!!!!!



Im pretty sure that when you park you are agreeing to their terms of allowing you to park there,

thereby entering into a contract,

I dont honestly know, Im just going by what most folks would think, I think,,,,,,,  :|

Technically, yeah, and short of paying for a tow truck to remove you and place your car safely on the road immediately off my driveway and invoicing you for costs, there aint much I'd legally be able to do about it.

If you overstay your welcome in a private car park, the only thing they are legally able to do is bill you for lost revenue, and by 'lost' revenue, I don't mean what you should have paid but didn't, I mean revenue that they lost as a result of a paying customer not being able to use your parking space! Bear in mind that 99.99% of the time there will always be another spare space.

Another thing to point out is that in contract law (which is essentially what you enter into by using the facilities of a private company) you cannot impose financial penalties on anyone for a breach of contract.

To summarise...

The invoice that the guy received from the private parking company in charge of managing the service station's car park was not worth the paper it was written on!

So can you go and use a Pay and display car park for free without paying if there are spare spaces?????

I think Motorway services could actually be considered as Pay and display where the first two hours are free..

after which you pay and they provide you with a ticket to put on your dashboard..

and the agreed contract is written on clearly visible boards around the car park....

by parking your vehicle there you are agreeing to the agreed contract terms...

i.e.  If you want to stay longer you pay the fee or accept the potential fine.

Surely any reasonable parking company would revoke the fine providing the evidence from CCTV footage showed the car parked and no persons entering or leaving the vehicle during its stay? What else would you do in a stationary (still) car for 2.5 hrs?

So can you go and use a Pay and display car park for free without paying if there are spare spaces?????

Depends on whos car park it is (private or local authority).

and the agreed contract is written on clearly visible boards around the car park....


by parking your vehicle there you are agreeing to the agreed contract terms...


i.e.  If you want to stay longer you pay the fee or accept the potential fine.

Or, if the car park is owned by a private company, choose whether to pay or not as private companies cannot issue fines.
Nor can a company impose a financial penalty on someone for breach of contract

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The mind boggles.


At our local shopping parks the one that has Wickes in you have to put a ticket in your windscreen you get two hours free parking but if you don't display a ticket you get a fine. The company that owns the car park love bank holidays they get loads of people not displaying. 

Nor can a company impose a financial penalty on someone for breach of contract
but they can take you to court for civil trespass,,,,,,

which is exactly what Id be doing if I park on your drive,

oh, and if you touch my vehicle I could sue you, unless you are a registered company, and have signs clearly displaying that I am not allowed to park there.

you cannot move my car/van, but, you could call the polis to move it if it is blocking your access.

that is only how I understand it, but I could be very wrong..........

The mind boggles.


At our local shopping parks the one that has Wickes in you have to put a ticket in your windscreen you get two hours free parking but if you don't display a ticket you get a fine. The company that owns the car park love bank holidays they get loads of people not displaying. 
Private companies cannot issue fines! lol. They are just invoices disguised as fines!

Or, if the car park is owned by a private company, choose whether to pay or not as private companies cannot issue fines.

Nor can a company impose a financial penalty on someone for breach of contract
I understood that although we mere mortals may call it a fine....

Technically it is a charge or an invoice for services used...

i.e.  purchasing greater than 2hours worth of parking......

Of which the agreed contract terms are clearly displayed around the facility you are using and agreeing to.

As said this not a new thing...

and has been a standard procedure for more years than I care to remember

If it was so unenforceable do you not think it would have been abandoned by now....???

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