Trunking Reg 521.10.1

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2011
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Has anyone else noticed the slight change in

wording to this reg where it says IP4X OR in the

OLD version to IP4X AND in the amended


Has anyone else noticed the slight change in wording to this reg where it says IP4X OR in the

OLD version to IP4X AND in the amended

I have a biased view as I am the product manager for Salamandre Trunking (Legrand) but...

Yes, we have noticed the change and have had to redesign our trunking so that it complies.

I know it is only a very small text change, OR to AND but it has a large impact on the product.

Leavern; I noticed this a little while ago but the

article in a magazine on your product made me

re-visit it.

Does it not say that singles won't comply in new trunking systems or something to that effect ?
no. it basically means if you use singles in trunking, then it must now be to IP4x, where as before it didnt have to be

I suspose when you have seen a number of trunking installs with the lids missing or open then this dose make sense.

yet more ass covering to try and cope with the 5WW IMHO

just been doiung the paperwork for another EICR that has been designed for F'in numpties that have done 5weeks learning to use an index so have no idea what to check/test/inspect unless its actually on a list for them,

7 bloody pages of waffle just to please some idiots that dont know their arse from their elbow!!!


Or do I just carry on as I've always done . ??

Does anyone know the purpose of this new load of ballcocks ? Just looked it up ....IP4X ....AE3 very small objects (1mm)

Just cut and fit the lid properly then FFS !!!

Salamander have added a overlapping bit that covers where the lids but together, another case of "Lets form a committee to justify our existance, now what shall we alter this time "?

Read the article in the free trade mag. The change

is illustrated there.


I appreciate your joke, but I was hoping to stimulate a debate, as has been said above, thousands of people have been killed, NOT, by the old specification so what are we to make it now?

I am pretty sure what I would code it, but, that would not be fair.


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