File system not recognized

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Senior Member
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Can someone please help.

I have just got my computer working after suffering a virus. I managed to get rid of said virus but it left some programs etc disabled. So, I copied all my data etc across to a second hard drive that I had installed. I with all the problems encountered I have ended up with Windows 7 O/S instead of XP.

When I try to access the second drive it says that "I need to format the drive before I can use it" When I cancell that it says that "It does not contain a recognized file system"

I need to get onto this drive as it holds all my accounts etc.

Thanks in advance.

The C: drive is NTFS. The E: drive does not show, it is just saying "local disk" In properties it says there is no space and non used.

I thought it was NTFS. I have had a look in the BIOS but cannot see why it is not working.

Im probably wrong here, [i dont use windoze]

but isnt :E normally the CD/DVD drive? and it always shows up as full/nothing used.?

run gParted and see what that says, its a linux program and can be run off CD

I have two hard drives in the computer C: and E:. D is my DVD drive. I copied everything off C: on to E: then formatted C:

I also have an external hard drive to backup both drives, I have tried to get the data off there but I am having almost the same problem.It must have something to do with Windows 7

I had this problem with an old ide drive that W7 wouldnt recognise, I just changed the drive letter to Z in Disk management and it started reading the disk.


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