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Just an undated. I have been given some subbing work to do next week with the hope or doing some more for they guy. Also I have just been called up with the prospect of an interview as well as agencies calling me up to do its all looking on the up and up!

No, there is nothing to stop you working as a subcontractor (CIS), PAYE, unemployed and invoicing customers direct in the same financial year, there are boxes on your tax return for each type of income that you receive, if you need any advice let me know as I do Tax Returns in my spare time for about 20-25 self-employed people and 2 businesses.

I phoned HMRC 2 or 3 months back to register for a CIS number (accademy schools have to use CIS reg'd contractors) & they said no problem done over the phone & they use your UTR as the refrence for CIS.They explained that as the contractor you give the employer your UTR & the employer then confirms with HMRC for cis payments.

All I know is I've done work over the past couple of months & have had tax deducted before payment.
M, I believe, that they have misunderstood the regulation wrt CIS in this case.

CIS does not apply to maintenance in almost all cases according to HMRC!

None of the public, or private sector companies we work for have ever asked, well one did when we had our last company, I emailed a few links to HMRC info & we were paid nett.

Does this CIS thing only apply to the self-employed?

If it does this would explain why we are not involved.

Your right sidey most maint work isnt covered by CIS & after your helpful links in past posts I did call hmrc and questioned why would the Acadamy require me to be CIS registered.

They said I would need CIS registraion for any other construction works at a school run as an academy, still unsure I asked my accountant to look into it & he said there is no reason to be CIS reg'd but as the academy were making such a big deal about it, there would be no harm in registering.....


a lot of my work for a firm I sub to is maintenance, but they use my CIS for everything,

whether it be a re-wire or simply a re-furb or just a fix,

Im not too bothered as hopefully it will more than cover my tax bill at the end of the year.

I have decided I'm going to go with CIS sterling who will sort my tax NI and hopefully student load for me. A friend of mine has used them for years and never had a problem. I think I will also need a book keeper so prob gonna use one another one of my friend uses it.

Now all I want is for this next week to go well and hopefully get some more work off the back of it!

what is CIS sterling? sounds like an agency of sorts,

how much are they charging you?

TBH, you dont really need a book-keeper unless you are doing a heck of a lot of materials, even at that I think its a bit of overkill for CIS work,

I just keep a copy of invoices, and amounts paid with a note as to whether its CIS or nett payment.


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