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Senior Member
Feb 15, 2010
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I read a little snippet in one of those ECA magazines that something like 1 in 10 trades men get propositioned while at work and everyone knows why plumbers really wanted to become plumbers when they were 16.

So have any of you had this happen?

happened a lot to me in my younger years,lot of social housing work, and TBH Im no oil painting,

still on the odd occassion, but I wouldnt even contemplate it with someone else's, mostly old druggies that are totally out of it.

I did once end up dating a girl, many many moons ago, worked in her grandmas house, was an estate in the sticks and was there about a week when I was working in the grandmas house and nothing would do but she insisted on making me a bacon butty that morning,

well, actually, rang her grandaughter to come make it for me, apparently she only lived round the corner,

next 3weeks without fail the grandma had me in her house at 9am on the dot for a bacon butty, made, of course, by the grandaughter,

dated her for almost 18months!!!!! (NOT the grandma!!!)

maybe grandma does know best!!!!

as for any other exploits,

well, lets say that they do happen,

even the posh birds, the old adage a bit of rough does sometimes apply.......... ;)

Steps has been trying to pull me for years but I'm playing hard to get!! Anyway as he says, he,s no oil painting, dunno how Aggie puts up with him TBH. I reckon its 'cos he,s rich.

As regards the OP I'm saying nothing on a public Forum. :Blushing

Not me directly but.....

As a 16/17 year old helping out a family freind with his fencing business I got put out on a job with his other 19/20 year old labourer. We were working at a place in Basingstoke & the very fit lady of the house once we were working in the garden, stated she loved the fresh summer air & would we like a drink "yes please" ........out she comes with 3 cold drinks on a tray & she is butt naked & I mean not a stitch on...

While we are working (very slowly) she just lounges around the garden reading until lunch time, where she asks my work mate if he would like to help here make a picnic.

Me as a 16/17 year old thought this stuff only happened in the "confessions of a" films, me in the garden chomping on wilting cheese butties & he's in the kitchen eating hairy pie.

Used to happened to me when I was an apprentice, mainly because I worked in a factory with 90% women, mainly with old women that were taking the p**s, but there were a few younger women that I did get to know very well in the stock rooms.

nsbs has reminded me of a similar thing. Contractors I was apprentice with did a huge amount of work at the Longbridge car plant ( Austin/Rover ....British Leyland....... Rover) it was an ordeal to have to pass through the upholstery shop , which was full of predatory older women.

Get a group of women together and they are a force to be reckoned with. When I was 16 and just started work as a trainee maintenance fitter I was always getting ribbed by the women in the factory. The first christmas party was a real eye opener... Happy days!!

Hi all,

I used to drive a lorry when i was about 26. I went to a factory one evening at about 6. This factory seemed to only employ women.. like hundreds of them!!

Anyway, I went in, and they said that i would have to wait until the next day to be unloaded.

Ok, no worries, so i asked where could i park the lorry over night [an artic] Out rushes a group of about 8 or more middle aged, [but very very nice!] women who all chorused; "stay here!!! we will have to lock the gates and you will be locked in though, but stay here!!" They all seemed very excited for some reason..

Like a mug i declined and went and parked elsewhere....

I still wonder now what might have happened, they seemed to be gagging for it. I expect they were used to fat smelly lorry drivers turning up, but not 26 year old slim fit ones..

I must have been retarded.... still, you live and learn..



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