Return to work after Covid (rant..ish)

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Seaman stains™
Supporting Member
May 28, 2008
Reaction score
North Wales Riviera
I really hope that no one else is in the same boat as me, because I'm now finding that people are unbeleiveably stupid.

Long(ish) story short.... I was diagnosed as being Covid+ve on Sunday the 7th after starting to feel a little unwell on the 2nd - I had very mild symptoms, a slight temperature for 36hrs (99deg), slightly light headed, a slight sore throat (but very high up in the nasal passage) and a nose bleed one evening.... generally feeling like I had a cold, but I suffer with sinusitis so whenever I get a cold I get a cough for weeks and weeks...

Obviously I have been tracked and traced (I'd say that they are less organised than Kerch's favourite orange DIY store) and my last day of self isolation was  the 8th, I haven't had any symptoms beyond the 4th

So as I had to cancel a couple of jobs,,, sods law is that I was starting to return to work when I get the sodding virus,,,, I had to tell them why.....

I'm now trying to book the work back in and I'm now being treated as if I'm highly contagious and they don't want me anywhere near them!!!! By the time that I start back (next Monday 14th), I'll have been symptom free for 6 days, effectively self isolating for 12 days from the beginning of my symptoms,,, that's 5 days more than the government recommend!!

In reality its safer for them to have me in their home than anyone who hasn't had Covid as they recon that I can't catch it again!! 

Fingers crossed you have benefitted from the SEISS payment

i would be inclined to be economical with the truth and say to new enquires that you are simply busy until .... thus avoiding the tricky conversation about COVID 

I can't comment on your experience's with customers when you have had prior symptoms...

As neither me or anyone in my household have had any suspect symptoms..

But I would agree about the number of people who are stupid....

As there seems to be two opposite extremes..

(a) Those who have absolutely no comprehension of any possible danger that may exist.....

(b) Those who think absolutely anything and everything is a significant contamination source that will kill them!

With a group in the middle who do have common sense!

e.g.  I have seen people driving on their own, in a car, wearing a face mask..

No One else in the car.....

Windows closed...

But still wearing a face mask????

And also seen large groups of people together with zero understanding of "social distancing"

Wots all that about?

And I've had customers assume that I wasn't available to do any work.....

As if I did,  everyone would be contaminated!!

At the end of the day while there may be some risk in various aspects of social contact during electrical work...

There is a greater amount that can be continued no worse than dangers visiting the supermarket..

I have knocked up a "Covid-19 Risk Assesement" form that I get every customer to sign before I carry on with any job..

It basically has copy & paste of government guidance for coronavirus...

Then a declaration including agreement that the work can be undertaken safely, taking account of government social distancing..

Plus agreement that if either party exhibits any symptoms within 14 days of completing the work they will let the other know....

All my customers so far seem happy with this arrangement.


But I would agree about the number of people who are stupid....

As there seems to be two opposite extremes..

(a) Those who have absolutely no comprehension of any possible danger that may exist..... (protesters, beach visitors and part goers) 

(b) Those who think absolutely anything and everything is a significant contamination source that will kill them! (the old and work shy)

With a group in the middle who do have common sense! (the real workers in the UK)

Hit, nail and head spring to mind .....

with my non PC comments added

People tend to over react to these things .   

I went to meet the builder at a primary school  ,for quoting reasons , parked in the street behind builder's car , noted the plumber's van too.      Head teacher  shows us the job , enlarging toilets ,  mainly lighting for electrics .    So I leave before the others , carrying my clip board I step out through an exit , into the playground which is full of children .  

Looking out to the road I'm puzzled as I can't see my van  or the builder's car .   :C     

Just as it dawns on me that the school fills a whole block  with a road down each side  and I've come out on the wrong side ,   a woman on playground duty starts screaming at me like a demented banshee  ,  "Who are you ! ...get away!  ...get away!   ....come here children !!!  "   :eek:   Shes trying to gather all 50 kids to her while waving her arms at me to go away.  

Now this was just after the Soham murders at a school   , 2002 ,  which was dreadful of course .... but I think this woman thought  just every man anywhere near a school must be a child killer .       Feeling  as if I'd just crawled from under a stone  I fled back into the  building  and rapidly exited on the right side .  

I think I'd have turned around to the Headmaster and said in a slightly concerned but with a minor hint of saracam type tone: "Is she alright, do you think?, or do you reckon the job is getting to her?"

could you nt get a postal test to confirm contagion or not?

I did have a test....and was positive....

The government guidelines say that if you show symptoms or have a positive test result, that you have to self isolate for 7 days from the onset of the symptoms and can return to "normal" activities so long as you have been clear of certain symptoms for 2 days (some symptoms can last for quite a while)...... I would be day 11 now

BTW the test is very unpleasant 


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