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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2010
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Yep - how is everyone finding the new layout,

me, well its not good, finding everything takes tooooooo long, no shortcuts-cant waste any more time here bye!

It's not that bad and you can choose from options new content or whatever so very much like the old system.

You should find it as good if not better after flitting round the site a few times.

Give it a go, it's early days and a few bugs here and there, but its all good.

You may call me biased, but I prefer it here. Just as easy to find stuff and on the homepage a greater option of searches for new posts.

You can't please everyone, but I assume most people are happy?

Yes I'm happy. Easy to navigate. Perhaps Steve T has yet to find the "view new content" link at the top right.

About the ONLY thing I can find "missing" is the old pull down "forum jump" menu.

Yep - how is everyone finding the new layout,

me, well its not good, finding everything takes tooooooo long, no shortcuts-cant waste any more time here bye!
not sure why im replying since your not going to read it, but i did prefer the older version. but either way, once you get used to it, this one isnt so bad. and it doesnt take any longer to load than the other one

Members are always free to come and go as and when they wish. There are several factors that affect search response times, some of which have nothing to do with the version of forum software itself. Time of day, an individuals internet providers speeds. As with all forums, some members are more active than others, I think it safe to assume those that are posting more frequently, would raise their concerns if the service was unreasonable. As SteveT has been a member since October 2010 he clearly is not a prolific poster, as during that time only made <200 posts per year. So possibly he is not using the forums full features to there best operation, Some members are also users of other forums, possibly Steve has found another site he finds more to his personal taste. Smaller forums with less members and content database may give an apparent faster response time for searching and posting. Steve you are always welcome back at any time you feel appropriate.

Doc H.

Must admit too like Andy i liked the old layout bit better and dont like change either but its not that bad ... improvise, adapt overcome lol

It took me a few days to get used to the new layout but now I think it's fine. This website has been - and continues to be - a great help to my electrical career. Well done TEF management !.

The thing is, everyone keeps calling it 'old layout' and 'new layout' when the fact of the matter is they are 2 completely diiferent software systems. Yes the new system is different, BUT it is also better. It can do more and has a more polished user interface. File uploads are easier, we have a blog system to use, better gallery. The list goes on. And I'm sure in future, more things will get added. At the end of the day this place could of quite easily been shut down not so long back, but it hasn't. This is to be seen as another strength.

its the windoze / mac / linux arguement all over,

just because its different doesnt make it worse,

it just means you have no farward vision to see what it can actually do,

BTW, in case you were wondering the above are in the order of brilliantness from barely usable, to, 'shining from my rear orifice' that I have ruled to be fact, :D

I found the new layout very frustrating until I found the new posts button, and then a few days later how to get to the last unread post in the topic,

now,? well Im just a superkid on these new fangled computery thingies, Ive been having secret lessons from deke, :D

I'm not good on change normally, but it doesn't take long to get used to it. It's just people having a chat after all, how bad can it be???

The thing is, everyone keeps calling it 'old layout' and 'new layout' when the fact of the matter is they are 2 completely diiferent software systems. Yes the new system is different, BUT it is also better. It can do more and has a more polished user interface. File uploads are easier, we have a blog system to use, better gallery. The list goes on. And I'm sure in future, more things will get added. At the end of the day this place could of quite easily been shut down not so long back, but it hasn't. This is to be seen as another strength.
Barx sums it up very nicely. The old system was clunky and very difficult to use behind the scenes. This platform is altogether more powerful, versatile and will let the forum grow. By all accounts the old platform does seem to have 'lost its way' somewhat. To the very best of my knowledge we can do everything now that you could before - if you need any help, just ask.

I suppose it is easier for a few of us as we were playing over here a couple of weeks before the forum moved in a test environment, trying to find any early bugs.

The new owners are genuinely interested in what members think. If there is anything people would like to see, or they have any feedback (good or bad) then let us know (either start a thread, or PM any of us).

Do bear with us as you get used to the new forum. I do promise it is better.

The only thing that I've noticed is that when you hover the mouse over a thread title it just says "view result", where with the old forum it would give the first few sentences of the topic so I could decide whether it was worth reading without having to click on it. So valuable is my time!

If I can navigate it ........ need I say more !! :C

The Four Horsemen of the Appalachians have done a good job, I've looked at the ........................other place......... and wasn't much impressed.

The only thing that I've noticed is that when you hover the mouse over a thread title it just says "view result", where with the old forum it would give the first few sentences of the topic so I could decide whether it was worth reading without having to click on it. So valuable is my time!
If you go to the list of new threads and hover your mouse over a thread title you will see a black circle with a white arrow appear - click on that and it will give you a preview of the thread. Click it again to close.

Here are some other tips for new content and such things

The Search facility here is far better than the old vB one

Not quite sure how it can seem so difficult with so many easy options

see attached





Preview button.png

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